2 Foods You Should Avoid During Weight Loss

Your weight loss resolutions will be dancing around your head next week like Prancer on your roof tonight.  No time is better than now to start thinking about what you should be leaving OFF your plate as you ring in the new year.  Take this advice from your favorite personal trainer in Chicago and start tighten your waistline today!

#2:  Buffalo Sauce:  Who doesn't love buffalo sauce (especially on hot wings)?  Your doctor.  This tasty addition to any food is half hot sauce and half butter....which means more fat, sodium, and calories than you need.  

#1:  Beer:  Beer is bread.  Bread is another carb in your diet.  These carbs will cause weight gain and unhappy looks in the mirror.  With the popularity of microbrews, it hurts me to tell you that you need to cut this out.  Since you're dedicated to weight loss, though, you'll need to cut out extra calories (especially these liquid calories).  Beers average between 100-200 calories (think light beer to stout) and will quickly add up.  What's worse?  It takes 1 hour for every beer you drink before it starts burning fat again.  No bien.


Your New Years Resolutions


Introspection and Your Life