Complete the Michael Moody Fitness scholarship application for high school senior, undergraduate, and graduate students here!
ANNOUNCEMENT: The 2024 Michael Moody Fitness Scholarship is now closed, and the winner is Sean Kilian! The new scholarship for the fall of 2025 is now available below!
Michael Moody Fitness Scholarship
Read the scholarship guidelines and complete the online application questions below. Carefully consider your responses. Be sure to capture and articulate thoroughly what makes your achievement genuinely outstanding. You may wish to use word processing software to write and edit your responses. If you copy and paste your responses into the appropriate scholarship application fields, review the pasted text carefully for any character shifting or replacements that may have occurred. Essays cannot exceed word limits. Standard capitalization (Jackie Smith, not jackie smith or JACKIE SMITH) must be used when entering data.
We encourage applicants to answer all questions. Carefully review your entire application before clicking the Submit button. After the application is successfully submitted, it will be reviewed.
Only electronic scholarship applications received through the above process will be considered. Paper copies of scholarship applications, resumes, or other materials will not be accepted. Review the terms and conditions of the Michael Moody Fitness Scholarship again here. The 2025 program will accept scholarship applications from August 1st, 2024, until 1,000 scholarship applications are submitted or August 1st, 2025, whichever comes first. Your scholarship application MUST be one of the first 1,000 submitted by the deadline. When the application process closes, you will find a "CLOSED" statement at the top of this page.
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Information received is considered confidential and is reviewed only by Michael Moody Fitness. No additional contact will be made unless additional documents are needed and/or the applicant is a finalist. No information is collected from the site visitor.
* Complete these fields before submitting.