Reebok Checklight Creates a New Helmet to Detect Concussions

Over the last several years, a hot topic during my personal training sessions in Chicago is the increase of detected concussions in sports (especially hockey and football).  Without a doubt, my Chicago personal training clients who are parents worry about the effect of sports on their children.

Luckily, parents, athletes, and fans are now aware of the tremendous effects of concussions that include nausea, dizziness, loss of consciousness, and possibly brain damage.  Although this is promising, many athletes don't always realize they have one since most concussions don't lead to loss of consciousness.

Luckily, increased awareness of these symptoms have lead to greater safety measures including mandatory 7 days rest or rule changes.  Is this enough though?  Reebok doesn't think so.  Recently, they produced the Reebok Checklight.  A high tech tool for detecting any force placed onto the athlete's helmet.  Although this won't lessen the blow, it will certainly alert the player of this force and help professionals determine the player's ability to continue play.  Check out the NY Times Check Your Head for more about it. 


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