How Do You Feed Your Kids When They Don't Weigh the Same?

Losing weight while you personal train in Chicago means more than jumping on a bike.  It truly takes a lifestyle change for you and the people around you.  After all, we do live in the midwest and every special event in our lives includes food and alcohol.  

During these personal training experiences, I meet a lot of parent-clients who are also concerned about the eating habits of their kids.  Interestingly, many parents are faced with a challenge:  How do you feed your kids at the same table when they don't weigh the same?  

Initially, your thought may be to tailor a special diet for weight loss for the heavier kid but, ideally, you may want to reconsider this.  For the sake of fairness (and not feeling like an overweight outsider), the best approach is feeding your kids the same thing (as today's NY Times article Ask Well: Feeding Heavy and Thin Kids Together mentions).  

You can take this one step further by teaching your kids to stop when they're no longer hungry....or only eating when they're hungry.  Most importantly, you want to help your kids shape a healthy emotional association food and approach the table based on needs not wants.  

Making this effort will help you kids achieve a lifetime of good health and great choices as they become more independent.


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Try this Watermelon and Tomato Salsa Recipe While You Lose Weight!