You Won't Believe What's in These Girl Scout Cookies!

Tis' the season for dirty snow, frigid temperatures, and a blizzard of girl scout cookies! While you secretly stash your coveted treats, you should know what these bits of sweet goodness really have in store in for you. I've captured the three worst cookies from The Best and Worst Girl Scout Cookies article on Check out the full article to figure out how much sugar, calories, and saturated fat you'll need to burn off while meeting with your Chicago personal trainer. My recommendation: Eat one serving and run away.

Cookies your personal trainer in Chicago will tell you to run away from.

Cookies your personal trainer in Chicago will tell you to run away from.


Serving size = 2 cookies
Nutrition Information per serving: 140 calories (70 calories per cookie), 7 g total fat, 5 g saturated fat, 0 g trans fat, 55 mg sodium, 19 g total carbohydrate, 1 g fiber, 10 g sugars, 1 g protein.

****My absolute favorite cookie. I can't buy these cookies because the box requires me to eat them in one sitting. Evil. Pure evil.

This cookie will tag pounds on you when consumed in large amounts.

This cookie will tag pounds on you when consumed in large amounts.


Serving size = 2 cookies
Nutrition Information per serving: 140 calories (70 calories per cookie), 9 g total fat, 5 g saturated fat, 0 g trans fat, 95 mg sodium, 13 g total carbohydrate, <1 g fiber, 7 g sugars, 1 g protein. Though these cookies are labeled as delivering 0 grams of trans fat, the ingredient list contains partially hydrogenated oil.

*****Sorry, peanut butter doesn't make this delicious cookie healthy for you.

Nice try. Thin Mints don't lose any saturated fat when frozen.

Nice try. Thin Mints don't lose any saturated fat when frozen.

Thin Mints

Serving size = 4 cookies
Nutrition Information per serving: 160 calories (40 calories per cookie), 8 g total fat, 5 g saturated fat, 0 g trans fat, 120 mg sodium, 22 g total carbohydrate, <1 g fiber, 10 g sugars, 1 g protein. The Thin Mints ingredient list includes partially hydrogenated oil, despite being labeled as containing 0 grams of trans fat per serving.

******Check out my new book Redefine Yourself:  The Simple Guide to Happiness on Amazon and other online booksellers March 2nd!!!!!!

Self-improvement book by a personal trainer in Chicago

Self-improvement book by a personal trainer in Chicago


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