"4 Signs You May Be Eating Too Much Protein" Review


How do you know if you're overeating protein? You may be experiencing one or more of these symptoms (and not realize it)...sorry Dr. Atkins (from the article 4 Signs You May Be Eating Too Much Protein).

List of Signs You May Be Eating Too Much Protein

1. You’re Gaining Weight

If you increase your protein intake without decreasing other foods in your diet, you’ll have an excess of protein and calories. And if you have a sedentary lifestyle and eat excess protein — or excess anything — you will gain weight.

Personal Trainer Wisdom: Increasing your protein to lose weight (especially animal protein) sounds great in theory....who doesn't love meat on a grill (and it's nutritional makeup helps you build muscle). It's time to jump off the Atkins train, though: Animal protein WILL NOT help you lose weight. More nutrient dense (and less inflammatory) options are waiting for you, instead.

2. You’re Dehydrated

Excess protein is filtered out of your body by your kidneys. A by-product of protein metabolism is nitrogen. The kidneys use water to flush out the nitrogen, which creates a dehydrating effect. When you decrease carbs, your body retains less fluid as well.

3. You’re Having Digestive Issues

Have nausea, indigestion, diverticulitis or constipation? When you increase meat, fish, chicken, cheese and other dairy on a high-protein diet and don’t eat enough fiber, the kidneys use excess water to rid your body of nitrogen and you can develop constipation.

Too much protein also puts a strain on your digestive enzymes, which can lead to digestive issues.

4. You’ve Got Bad Breath and Headaches

In a diet low in carbs with increased protein and fat, your body may go into a state of ketosis. In ketosis, your body is burning fat for fuel instead of carbs. Bad breath and headaches are a side effect of ketosis.

The biggest potential problem with following a high-protein diet is that you may not be getting enough fiber, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, all of which are found in vegetables and fruits.

Personal Trainer Wisdom: You may experience frequent headaches for a number of reasons, including dehydration. More likely than not, it's stemming from something in your diet. Any time you experience this symptom, take note of your dietary choices: The culprit may lie on your plate.

So what can you do? Switch some of your protein sources to plant-based proteins, which will then provide you with these other needed nutrients.

Resource: higher-protein plant sources

- Beans (1 cup = 15 grams)
- Lentils (1/2 cup cooked = 9 grams)
- Quinoa (1 cup cooked = 8 grams
- Buckwheat (1 cup cooked = 6 grams)
- Almonds (1/4 cup = 4 grams)
- Sunflower seeds (1/4 cup = 6 grams)
- Almond butter (2 tablespoons = 7 grams)
- Spinach (1 cup cooked = 5 grams)
- Hemp seed (3 tablespoons = 11 grams)

(Source: USDA Nutrient Database for Standard Reference)

Note: Keep in mind that all plant-based sources of protein don’t have all of the essential amino acids your body needs like animal proteins do. But if you eat a variety of whole foods throughout the day, you’ll likely get all the amino acids that you need.

Picture Credit: Livestrong.com-Is your protein intake undermining weight loss?


As an author, a personal trainer in Denver, and podcast host, Michael Moody has helped personal training clients achieve new fitness heights and incredible weight loss transformations since 2005. He also produces the wellness podcast "The Elements of Being" and has been featured on NBC, WGN Radio, and PBS.

Michael offers personal training to Denver residents who want to meet at the 2460 W 26th Ave studio….or in their homes throughout LoHi (80206), LoDo (80202), RiNo (80216), Washington Park (80209), Cherry Creek (80206, 80209, 80243, 80246, 80231), and Highlands (80202, 80211, 80212). Michael also offers experiences with a personal trainer in Jefferson Park (80211) and Sloan's Lake (80204, 80212).

If you’re looking for a personal trainer who can curate a sustainable (and adaptable) routine based on your needs and wants, Michael is the experienced practitioner you’ve been looking for. Try personal training for a month…your body will thank you!


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