Weight Loss Plan Recap: The Game Plan / Immersive Experience

Create a business plan for your life and you’ll find a clear direction on your path.
— Michael Moody, regarding your new weight loss plan

Your New Beginning

I know what you're thinking - "Uh-oh, here's Michael with all his words again. Words, words, words, etc., etc., nutrition this, nutrition that." Believe it or not, this email is a quick reference guide. Most importantly, it will steer our following activities to rewire a new optimal you! Please review it carefully, and then we'll discuss it. If you need motivation, check out The Evolution of My Personal Diet! Don't forget to review the quick resource guide at the bottom!

A side note: A diet full of vegetables has evolved from the typical side dish of asparagus next to your piece of Midwestern steak and the salad served in the local diner before the main course. Any pivot out of your status quo/routine may feel uncomfortable, and you may also feel uncertain and frustrated. As a former player in the restaurant industry and a long-time food and drink enthusiast, I assure you that the plant options are now overwhelming with flavor and bursting with creativity. I'm not asking you to jump in 100% for your health. A pivot of 20% may offer incredible dividends, too. Be a researcher and seek out the best of what's out there (just as you may have done with your traditional meat preparations, soups, and stews).



Here's our adaptable game plan for your diet over the next 4 weeks. Please note that many of the phases will overlap.

PHASE 1: Assessing the trends and patterns of you (Week 1)

  • Complete the 3-day diet log

  • Experiment with several quick and easy dietary changes/pivots

  • Complete the taste and texture profile

  • Complete the emotional association assessment

  • Complete the situational assessment of food choices (e.g., social settings versus when stressed)

PHASE 2: Laying the foundation of eating (Weeks 1/2)

  • Establish the dietary anchors based on your "needs" (the "wants" come later)

  • Introduce the principles of diet and the science behind digestion and absorption, as well as your biological clock and circadian rhythm

  • Highlight Fuhrman concepts and principles that relate to your dietary approach.

PHASE 3: Testing (Weeks 2/3)

  • Reframe anchors into a pyramid (not your parent's food pyramid)

  • Introduction of the 10 phases of dietary change and reassessment every 2 weeks (or sooner) based on progress

  • Introduction of self-assessment/fostering dietary awareness

  • Introduction of several meal plans

PHASE 4: Creating a New Normal (Weeks 3/4)

  • Create a base meal plan from our observations, tests, books, and many, many resources

  • Assess the meal plan every 2 weeks

Your weight loss path in Denver should begin with a clear vision of your next step. / Photo: RF._.Studio

Your weight loss path in Denver should begin with a clear vision of your next step. / Photo: RF._.Studio



We're building a new normal, and it’s time to pull from multiple resources and hold ourselves accountable. Joining vegan, plant-based, and fitness-related social media groups has added another layer of motivation and accountability. I'm more likely to choose a healthier plate because I take a photo and share it with the world.

I'm also likelier to maintain a healthier mindset when consistently reading self-improvement and nutrition books. At times, these books are feeding me new information, but the real value is the reminder and the mental structure I maintain while digging in daily. My crazy mind, when tamed, is an incredible force that amplifies the enjoyment of experiences. It drives my endeavors. It could also be a wild beast if not contained. Think about how you want to tame your inner beast.


Indulge in these resources. You'll likely stick to your path if you immerse yourself in the content and lifestyle!

Time to eat with intent!

Weight Loss Nutrition Denver Personal Trainer

Time to plant the seed for a new approach to weight loss. // Photo by Ella Olsson

Michael Moody, author and personal trainer in Denver

If you’re looking for a personal trainer who can curate a sustainable (and adaptable) routine based on your needs and wants, Michael is the experienced practitioner you’ve been looking for. Try personal training for a month…your body will thank you!


As an author, a personal trainer in Denver, and podcast host, Michael Moody has helped personal training clients achieve new fitness heights and incredible weight loss transformations since 2005. He also produces the wellness podcast "The Elements of Being" and has been featured on NBC, WGN Radio, and PBS.

Michael offers personal training to Denver residents who want to meet at the 2460 W 26th Ave studio….or in their homes throughout LoHi (80206), LoDo (80202), RiNo (80216), Washington Park (80209), Cherry Creek (80206, 80209, 80243, 80246, 80231), and Highlands (80202, 80211, 80212). Michael also offers experiences with a personal trainer in Jefferson Park (80211) and Sloan's Lake (80204, 80212).



On “The Elements of Being” podcast, Michael dissects and explores the minds and habits of psychologists, filmmakers, writers, and industry icons. Essentially, you learn what makes them flip the switch to achieve incredible feats, goals, and milestones…and a chance to geek out over the psychology behind human behavior. In this episode, Michael interviews Dr. Joel Fuhrman, an internationally recognized nutrition and natural healing expert and author of seven New York Times bestsellers, including his most recent book, Eat for Life. His other bestsellers include Eat to Live and The End of Dieting (which I give to all my clients).

Read more and listen here… You can also listen to all episodes on Apple, Spotify, Overcast, Castbox, Stitcher, or your favorite podcast platform!


Weight Loss Plan Phase 1: Examining Your Situational Experiences with Food


Test Exercise Program: Legs/Shoulders/Core (30-40 Minutes)