Charting Your Weight Loss Success Part 2

Over the last 2 months, my personal training client, Tim, has been tracking his body weight and body fat loss.  I'm happy to report that Tim has lost 13.7 lbs between October 13th and December 9th!  In fact, he reported a new low on Thursday, December 11th: 189 lbs!  That's 15 lbs in 8 weeks....and well in our sustainable "1-2 lb per week" range.  

Take a look at his trends below!  What do you notice?

Tim's notes along the way......

What trends about your weight do you notice during your fitness/personal training experiences?  Are there some days on your chart that show a higher weight than others?


Your top 3 New Year's Resolutions


Save the Cow! Here is a List of Non Animal Protein Sources!